TMJ Pain: How Can a Dentist Treat Temporomandibular Joint Disorder? If you are familiar with TMJ pain, you know how badly you struggle with your meals. Imagine the frustration of waking up with [...]
Swollen or Puffy Gum: When Should You Consult Your Dentist? Imagine waking up to a throbbing pain in your gums, along with a swelling that makes it miserable to eat or even speak. Most of us [...]
Invisalign Retainers: How Do These Invisible Dental Braces Work? Over 28% of people feel uncomfortable about their smile because they don’t have straight teeth. If you belong to that group, [...]
Halitosis disease (bad breath): Causes and Treatment Do you find yourself feeling hesitant or embarrassed while speaking around people, because you’re worried about your bad breath? Well, you [...]
What is Gingivitis & Other Forms of Gum Disease? Gingivitis is the earliest stage of gum disease. Gum disease involves the build-up of bacteria and plaque on the teeth, leading to infection. [...]
Une carie dentaire se produit lorsque la surface dure de vos dents est endommagée et que de minuscules ouvertures se créent. Cela peut entraîner une infection grave, des maux de dents et la perte de dents. [...]