Centre Dentaire Olympique - Dentist West Island
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Gum Grafts

Overbrushing, inadequate brushing, or periodontal disease can lead to gum recession. To ward off tooth mobility and maintain good oral health, gum grafting is sometimes the best option.

Gum recession can be difficult to self-diagnose since it often develops gradually and exhibits no symptoms. Regular dental check-ups prevent gum recession and track risk factors.

Soft tissue graft

A minor surgical procedure, the gum graft involves removing tissue from the roof of the mouth and applying it directly to the exposed tooth root.

In addition to reducing tooth sensitivity, gum grafting also improves the appearance of your smile.

Reasons to have a soft tissue graft:

  • Sensitive teeth
  • Tender gums
  • Teeth appear longer
  • Exposed roots
  • Tooth mobility

The following symptoms can be signs of gum recession :

  • Dentinal sensitivit:
  • When the gum recedes enough to expose the cementum protecting the tooth root, the dentinal tubules below the cementum become more sensitive to external stimuli.

  • Visible roots:
  • This is one of the key characteristics of a more severe case of gum recession.

  • Teeth appear “longer”:
  • Individuals with gum recession often have a “longer” smile. The length of their teeth is perfectly normal but the lost gum tissue makes the teeth look abnormally long.

  • Bad breath, inflammation, and bleeding:
  • These are the characteristic symptoms of periodontal disease and gingivitis. A bacterial infection causes gum recession that can lead to tooth loss if not treated rapidly.

The procedure usually lasts 1.5 hours. At Centre Dentaire Olympique, our team of specialists is here to meet your oral health needs. If the thought of this intervention makes you nervous, bring it up with your periodontist!