Centre Dentaire Olympique - Dentist West Island
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Endodontics are a very important field of dentistry that treats infections and inflammations in the inner tooth canals. Endodontics is the science behind the famous root canal we’ve all heard of.

Dental fracture treatment and root canal

Dental fractures can vary in severity, from minor chips to more extensive breaks that expose the inner layers of the tooth. The appropriate treatment for a dental fracture depends on the extent of the damage and the location of the fracture.

When and why you should undergo endodontic treatment?

A root canal is generally necessary when infection or decay has taken over the tooth and reached the nerve. Endodontic treatment prevents the spread of infection and saves your tooth.

It’s a simple treatment that begins with numbing, cleaning, and drying the tooth to prevent bacteria infiltrating the tissue during the procedure. Next, a small hole is drilled into the tooth to remove the infected or necrotic pulp and nerve. Any infection or decay is also completely removed. Finally, the tooth is cleaned out and refilled. A root canal has many advantages, the most important of which is preventing the extraction of a useful tooth that is firmly anchored to the bone.

Signs and symptoms of an impacted tooth

  • Gum abscess
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Severe tooth pain
  • Swelling and/or sensitivity
  • Darkened tooth

Causes of a tooth chamber infection

  • Tooth decay has reached the dental pulp
  • Dental trauma has affected the pulp
  • A fractured tooth has damaged the pulp and the nerve
  • An infection has spread to the root of the tooth