Working Hours
- Mon-Thu 9 AM - 6 PM
Fri and Sat 9 AM - 3 PM
Sun Closed
Contact Info
Phone: 514-695-5545
Dental Implants

Durable, secure, and aesthetically pleasing, dental implants are an excellent way to replace a missing tooth. If you have periodontal disease or suffer a dental accident, the dentist may be compelled to extract one of your teeth. But that’s no reason to miss out on a full and attractive smile.
Is a answer to replacing a tooth without affecting adjacent teeth

At Centre Dentaire Olympique, we want to help you smile with confidence and that’s exactly what our implantology service is for.
Dental implants are essentially titanium screws inserted into the upper or lower jaw with a tooth-shaped prosthesis overtop. This surgical procedure takes place over several sessions under local anaesthesia.
Composite resin fillings
Is your tooth cracked, fractured or decayed? A composite resin filling might be the answer! Perfectly matching the colour of your teeth, composite resin fillings are the most frequently used dental restoration method. Painless and easy to apply, composite resin is often a number one choice for dentists.
Custom-made in either gold or ceramic, inlays are an excellent way to non-invasively repair large grooves, cracks or fractures in the teeth. Like other dental restoration techniques, inlays are not permanent and must be replaced every few years, due to normal wear. If your tooth’s condition is not suited for an inlay, a crown can be another option.
Inlays generally require two visits: The first, to create a mould of your teeth and the second, to fit the inlays. This is a durable and aesthetic solution because the inlays match the colour of your teeth. No one but your dentist will know that you’ve had any work done.